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Andreas Raelert, Gdynia, German, ironman, News, Raelert, Triathlon, victory -

Andreas Raelert has won Herbalife Triathon in Gdynia, Poland, in a sovereign way. In 3:54:44 the Rostockian claimed the victory in the middle-distance event ahead of German Sean Donnelly (4:00:13) and Italian Massimo Cigana (4:01:08). Under hot conditions Andreas Raelert improved the course record at the Baltic Sea coast of last year’s winner Victor Zyemtsev (Ukraine) by more than six minutes. “I feel satisfied with my race,” said Andreas Raelert after the finish, “in general, the performance was very balanced. That gives me a lot of confidence for the upcoming tasks in this season.” After 23:49 minutes, Andreas Raelert came out of the water in second place. After he had mainly determined the pace on the 1.9 km long swim course in the Bay of Gdynia, he eventually exited the Sea closely behind his colleague Sean Donnelly (23:46). “On the bike we both kept the speed high,” said Andreas Raelert, “only on the last 15 kilometers, Sean was able to break away a little bit.” Andreas Raelert rode the 90 kilometer bike course in 2:10:21 and entered T2 just 1:15 minutes behind the leader. However, he was able to reduce the gap early in the run and quickly caught up ...

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Carfrae, challenge, Germany, hawaii, ironman, Mirinda, rinny, Roth, Triathlon -

Triple Ironman Hawaii world champion Mirinda Carfrae never did a long distance race in Europe before. For her first appearance she decided on racing the 30th anniversary of classic Challenge Roth, a triathlon with a long history and probably one of the most popular tri events all over the world. The whole region of “Landkreis Roth” is celebrating this race year by year and the support of locals and volunteers is unique. More than 200.000 spectators cheered for the athletes and the slogan “We are Family” isn’t just an empty platitude. Conditions were Kona-like with temperatures up to 35°C as the day progresses. But one thing at a time: Athletes were released in 16 waves starting at 06:30 with all the Pros and some top age group athletes. What’s special about this is that the swim is held in the canal of Main-Danube. Orientation – sometimes a challenge for open water swims – isn’t a big issue. Mirinda – who arrived about ten days before race day – was a bit in doubt about her shape at this time of the year since she never did a long distance race at that moment. Understandably enough her training is absolutely focused on Kona ...

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bastion, castle series, Fraser, fraser cartmell, iron distance, News, Racing, Triathlon -

Under a warm summer Fraser Cartmell won the inaugural edition of The Bastion iron-distance triathlon, a scenic, challanging and hard race in Kent (UK). The ‘Bastion’ Iron distance on Sunday was the longest day of triathlon to date for Fraser, and he hopes that it remains that way for the forseeable future! Having raced the Half distance ‘Gauntlet’ last Septmber over much of the same course he felt confident he had a good idea of what lay ahead, but 140.6 miles certainly adds a new dimension to racing particular (off road and lumpy) terrain. With his prior knowledge of the course profile from last year, Fraeser was entering into this race with a conservative racing policy. Any energy he could try and save during the swim and bike ride would come in useful deep into the off road multi loop marathon later on in the afternoon. Having raced and enjoyed a number of the Castle Triathlon Series events last year including the Half distance at Hever Castle in September, he was keen to try the new challenge that they had brought to their racing portfolio – The Bastion. Being the first edition of this race, the field size was small but this made for a ‘family ...

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Cartmell, Fraser, fraser cartmell, News, Triathlon, zarautz -

Zarautz Triathlon 2014 – 3/80/20k Zarautz is a fantastic race for many reasons and one of those is the punishing climbs that feature towards the tail end of the bike ride. Fraser raced quite a lot in Spain and spent a lot of in the country for training camps over the years. As such he heard lots about what is regularly described as ‘the best race in the country’. Usually he races 70.3 UK in June however this year he decided to have a change of scenery and commited to racing in Zarautz, which is on the northern coast of Spain – not far from San Sebastian. It is a beautiful stretch of coastline and a remarkable location for a race. This race is essentially a half ironman event, but with a longer swim. Strictly speaking it is a ‘double olympic’ distance race and as such he felt it played to his strength. Another nice aspect of the event in Zarautz is the point to point sea swim. The race starts on a little beach a couple of miles around the headland and you essentially try and point yourself towards the far off sandy beach and hope for the best. He rode a fairly good ...

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Andreas Raelert, castelli, European Championship, frankfurt, Free ITU Suit, Germany, hawaii, ironman, Knoa, News, Triathlon, Van Lierde -

Every year Ironman Germany in Frankfurt is well known for its world class field of starters. That’s not at all surprising, as it’s the race for the European crown in triathlon. Castelli also had two hot irons in the fire, namely Ironman World Champion Frederik Van Lierde and Andreas Raelert. The performance of Raelert (who won in Frankfurt 2010) was eagerly awaited, as he only decided on his start a few days before the race. Unfortunately the German had to abandon during the run while fighting for a spot on the podium. When speaking of the podium, it’s been a battle between Frederik Van Lierde, Jan Frodeno and Sebastian Kienle, where the 2-time 70.3 World Champion had the better outcome at the finish. Castelli athlete Van Lierde finished second and ungrudgingly admitted, that Kienle was a class on his own in winning with new course record on his 30th birthday. Nevertheless the Belgian proved, that he is on the right track to defend his Kona title later this year at a reunion with Frodeno and Kienle among others. Top-3 men: 1. Sebastian Kienle (GER) 7:55:14 2. Frederik Van Lierde (BEL) 8:00:25 3. Jan Frodeno (GER) 8:07:05 Some more race impressions ...

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