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Fall is coming, and it’s time to begin planning your off season training. Transitioning from a summer cycling routine to a less intense winter program will not only maintain a good foundation or base for the ramp up that will come with your early spring rides, but also minimize the risk of catching a cold. Always, make sure to awear proper clothing to protect yourself against the elements, learn from other riders, then you’ll always be one step closer to achieve your next goal.

s2Have patience is easy to say, but not always easy follow. My 22 years of cycling, including 12 years of racing taught me many lessons. Here are some of the little things which helped me to achieve my personal goals.

Every January and February for years, my cycling mates won the sprints on training rides, or could stay up front leading the pack for a longer time even in higher wind resistance while I just hung on. When May came, I left most of them in the dust and took all the hill-sprints.

It’s great to want to improve and push your limits. But many riders work too hard without allowing the body time to recover. Building aerobic power takes years of consistent training. To become a better cyclist, you must manage your energy levels.

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