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In the pursue of creating the world’s fastest and most protective TRI race clothing, the Castelli Speed Research Unit invited the multiple Italian Champion and European Triathlon Champion 2013, Alessandro Fabian, to Milan for a day in the wind-tunnel.

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alessandro fabian
Alessandro Fabian, the Italian pro triathlete has secured a long term sponsorship deal with Castelli.
“I’m really happy that Castelli has confirmed,” said Alessandro Fabian, “Both because it is an innovative company that is constantly researching

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Alessandro Fabian
At the annual Italian Oscar Del Triathlon awards ceremony, Castelli equipped Alessandro Fabian was named the Triathlete of the Year. The policeman from Padua, back from a 2012 that saw him race with the world’s best at the Olympic Games in London, where he placed ninth, was named best triathlete of the season by a jury composed of journalists and industry experts.

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