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aerodynamics, bike, bike course record, cameron wurf, castelli, DTU, Free Sanremo Suit SS, hawaii, ironman, kona, Laura Philipp, Patrick Lange, personal best, pr speed suit, run, Swim, Triathlon -

RACE DAY APPAREL The new season is approaching rapidly. Now is exactly the right time to start thinking about 2020 race equipment. With the official introduction of the all-new PR Speed Suit, this year is a milestone in the Castelli collection since entering in the triathlon business. Our new top of the range races suit that has been developed with world-class athletes Laura Philipp, Cameron Wurf and Patrick Lange. Laura and Cameron also marked the fastest bike splits in Kona 2019 dressed in that innovationc The new collection will also satisfy the tastes of fans of fresh and colorful race day outfits. Discover the entire Castelli triathlon collection. Men’s collection Women’s collection Images: James Mitchell, Marcel Hilger

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bike, cameron wurf, Carrie Lester, Corinne Abraham, Daniel Baekkegard, hawaii, ironman, Kailua-Kona, kona, Laura Philipp, Marc Dülsen, mirinda carfrae, Patrick Lange, Pewag, Pewag Racing Team, Pro Team Mohrenwirt, run, Swim, timothy o'donnell, Triathlon, World Championship -

After Patrick broke the 8h barrier for the very fist time last year, it was hard to believe that his record will be beaten only 12 months later. Jan did it! Tim O’Donnell convinced – and surprised lots of experts – with one of the most consistent performances that day and was crowned second, just below 8hrs! 12 months after its debut, the PR Speed Suit hit the triathlon world like a bomb and proved to be an essential detail for top performance once again. Laura Philipp and Cameron Wurf – both dressed in their PR Speed Suit – claimed the fastest female and male bike splits of this year’s world championship race. Good news: The exact same suit is available for everyone now. Check out the women’s and men’s details! Besides leading the field on the bike, both champions showed a great race with 4th and 5th place and lots of potential for the coming years. Enjoy some impressions of this year’s world championship below. Top 10 men: 1. Jan Frodeno (DEU): ): 7:51:13 (47:31; 4:16:03; 2:42:43) 2. Tim O’Donnell (USA): 7:59:40 (47:38; 4:18:12; 2:49:44) 3. Sebastian Kienle (DEU): 8:02:04 (52:17; 4:15:06; 2:49:57) 4. Ben Hoffman (USA): 8:02:52 (51:01; ...

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bike course record, cameron wurf, hawaii, ironman, kona, pr speed suit, Triathlon -

After winning Ironman Italy, Cameron Wurf swung by the Castelli HQ for a last fine-tuning of his Kona race suit and followed all the steps that go into the production of his PR Speed Suit. Discover the Castelli triathlon collection here.

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bike, hawaii, ironman, kona, Lanzarote, Laura Philipp, run, Swim, Triathlon -

We sat down with Laura Philipp during one of her training camps to talk about being a professional athlete and how to prepare for the ultimate goal in October. Learn more about Laura including how she got into triathlon.

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bike, cameron wurf, hawaii, ironman, Kailua-Kona, kona, run, Swim, Triathlon -

Have you always wanted to know what nutrition Cameron Wurf prefers during his long training rides? Maybe his little secret why he holds so many bike course records.

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