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buttertubs, le cote du buttertubs, News, Racing, tour de france, yorkshire -

Unless you’ve been hibernating a bit too long or living under a rock you’re sure to know that its that time of year again when all the eyes of cycling turn towards France. This year though the fans eyes will have to drift a little north to England. For 2014 the peloton and the whole circus that follows the 3 weeks of madness is kicking off in the Yorkshire. Yorkshire for many will be famous for a few things, namely good quality strong tea, Yorkshire puddings -them golden yet fatty crusts of pastry that go so well with a roast dinner- and maybe then theirs the white rose. Yorkshire is a pretty spectacular place when the weathers not the typical drizzle of rain, this though helps with keeping the place a lovely lush green. Cycling in the area is tough, narrow and lumpy roads litter the landscape, drystone walls hem you in and sheep run from field to field. A minor hazard to avoid when taking in the great cycling territory. I’m pretty luck as I live just a short ride from where the peloton will be passing on stage one. One climb that will be making its mark on ...

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