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“This? This is Classics weather,” says Todd Herriot as he ponders his choice of gloves and leg warmers in the parking lot at Log Boom Park. Those words turned out to be quite foreboding of the two hours that followed. With spring just around the corner and the start of the road racing season in the PNW only a week away, this Saturday morning featured the season’s (or off-season’s) last Rocket Ride. The ride brings together some of the fastest riders in the area on an almost 50-mile trek of rural roads and hills. It is a tough ride on a good day. This was not a good day. Temperatures were pegged firmly in the upper-30 territory and the light drizzle turned to cold rain at 9 o’clock as if on schedule. The conditions continued to deteriorate until rain turned to sleet turned to snow. Major kudos to all of the riders and the finishers. A big thanks to Jim for driving the “photo car”, not getting us lost and always placing me in a good spot. Thanks to: Andy Bokanev

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