feltre criterium RSS

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For one special weekend in June the racing and cycling community of Italy descend upon the small town of Feltre based in the hills of the Italian Dolomites. The town has seen Giro action many times but this is not what people come for, they arrive in their local team or club kits ready to take on one the best amateur events I’ve been privileged to do. Castelli along with local club Pedale Feltrino organise and run the Castelli 24hr, as the name would suggest its a race that runs for the one solid day, from 10pm on the 5th June till the 10pm the next night. Hordes of teams race against each other around a 3km circuit that surrounds the old part of the historic town. Crowds line the street cheering and encouraging the participants at all hours of the day and night, music blares from speakers surrounding the circuit jeeping the atmosphere pumped up. Teams of between 11 or 12 riders split the work load of this 24 hours between each of them. This may sound easy, after all it works out at about just two hours each of racing, this is not so, usually each rider tackles ...

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