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Numbers, figures and reams of data from wind tunnels, computer fluid dynamics and multiple other mechanical testing procedures may be the way many companies like to give the consumer a good idea at how great a product they are making. In many respects all this digital and controlled testing is great, but when it comes to the real deal, it’s out on the open road that shows weather a product really performs. To test a product to its ultimate limit you need harsh and epic conditions. Usually people don’t like going out and suffering through these conditions, especially when it comes to that wet and cold variety of weather. When I found myself in a situation that accidentally and unfortunately allowed me and a friend to give kit we were using the ultimate test it’s not until after the event that you’re able to look back and see how well a product does its job. Taiwan may not be the first place you think of when imagining great cycling destinations, I for one had never seen it as an ideal cycling destination. But an invite for a trip to the island to tackle the Taiwan KOM Challenge was to show me ...

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