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Le lancette tornano a farla dalla padrona. Dopo la prima breve tappa contro il tempo arrampicandosi sul San Luca, la nona frazione è di nuovo una sfida contro il cronometro. Da Riccione a San Marino, in apnea per 34,7 km, con tanto di salita nel finale a rendere ancor più impervia la fatica di ogni corridore. Per entrare nel clima della prima giornata della verità di questo Giro d’Italia 2019, abbiamo interpellato Andrea Peron, una vita da cronoman con tanto di alloro mondiale a Stoccarda nel 1991 e argento olimpico a Barcellona 1992 nelle prove a squadre. Il quarantasettenne varesino da diversi anni ricopre il ruolo di Racing Performance Director e ci ha raccontato qualche segreto in vista della cronometro, suo terreno di caccia preferito quando aveva il numero attaccato sulla schiena. Andrea, che cosa voleva dire per lei la cronometro in un Grande Giro? «Per me rappresentava sempre un giorno speciale, perché si trattava della mia disciplina favorita, quella in cui andavo forte. La preparavo con massima cura, mentale e fisica, per cercare di ottenere un grande risultato: una cronometro non la si prepara né il giorno prima né la settimana prima, ma ci vanno diversi mesi per arrivare ...

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ciccone, giro, Giro d'Italia -

The Giro d’Italia is like a comic strip, a story developed day after day by an eccentric artist who draws from a dizzying palette of colors. The first thing that catches the eye in and around the Giro is the colors that decorate Italy and its race. Different colors every kilometer, provided by jerseys and skies, walls and banners, flowers and flags. In the middle, immersed in the colors, are the protagonists of the race. For the 2019 Giro, Castelli has created six jerseys that commemorate six special stages, designed to represent the Giro through the colors and symbols of the places that welcome the race. For each of these stages, the jersey will represent a virtual prize that will be awarded to someone who has earned it for a particular reason. It could be a current or former racer, a spectator, or a unique character in cycling and the Giro, because you don’t always need to win to be honored and remembered. Each winner will be introduced with a short portrait, created in collaboration with the editorial staff of Bidon – Ciclismo allo stato liquido, who are following the Corsa Rosa. The first to be featured is Giulio Ciccone, ...

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fans, Giro d'Italia, tifosi -

La prima volta al Giro d’Italia non si scorda mai. Un mix di emozioni, suoni e colori, con il rosa a farla da padrone. Sin da quando siamo bambini, sogniamo di vivere questi istanti, quelli in cui la corsa ciclistica più affascinante e dura del pianeta passa sotto casa nostra e, almeno una volta nella vita, se non di più se si è fortunati, questo giorno arriva. A volte, si è talmente piccoli che la prima foto al Giro d’Italia è ancora in carrozzina, ovviamente bardata di rosa da mamma e papà. You never forget your first time at the Giro d’Italia. A mix of emotions, sounds and colors, with pink dominating everything. If you live in Italy, you’ve likely dreamed since childhood of experiencing these moments when the planet’s hardest and most captivating bike race passes by your house, and if you’re lucky, at least once in a lifetime (if not more), this day arrives. Sometimes, you’re so small that in your first Giro d’Italia photo you’re still in a stroller — dressed up in pink by Mom and Dad, of course. Altrimenti, assieme ai genitori e magari a qualche amichetto ci si incammina verso la partenza della tappa, ...

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1987, giro, Giro d'Italia, History, Stephen Roche -

Most people remember the 1987 Giro for the “polemica” between defending champion Roberto Visentini and his teammate (and eventual winner) Stephen Roche of Ireland. After the Italian won the prologue, and Dutchman Eric Breukink took stage 1a, Roche won stage 1b: a unique time trial DOWN the famous Poggio descent into San Remo. The two later took the stage 3 team time trial with the Carrera squad with Roche claiming the pink jersey. He suffered a bad fall at the end of stage 10 and was frustrated as teammate Visentini rode past and offered no assistance. Bruised and battered, but still in the Maglia Rosa, he faced 46 kilometers, mainly uphill, on the Stage 13 time trial to San Marino in the Emilia-Romagna wine region. Visentini, reputed to be a bit of a playboy with suspect motivation, was nevertheless immensely talented. On this day he was brilliant, and absolutely turned the race upside down, winning by over a minute and putting nearly three into the injured 12th place Roche, handily reclaiming pink in the process. He would not keep it, however (see post 108) as Roche (with some mountain assistance from Scot Robert Millar of the Panasonic team) would recover, but ...

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Giro d'Italia -

Bologna, it’s been a blast! Nothing else to say to the city welcoming La Corsa Rosa for La Grande Partenza of the 2019 edition. With a 8km time trial, speed was the keyword for this amazing late afternoon, while the brutal climb to the Santuario di San Luca was like a football stadium. Sold out for the event of the year. Here some pictures from inside the race from our privileged point of view.   Photo: Edoardo Civiero / Federico Damiani

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