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gabba, nano, nanoflex, Product talk, shoe-cover, ultra -

Bottles full, bikes prepped and kit sorted we headed off intrepidly into the hills, thinking the Whakapapa climb would be the perfect aperitif for us before the main climb of the day. Our best laid plans were scuppered early as we rolled up to the Bruce Road to find the ski station access road closed from the Chateau onwards due to ice. The testing conditions we had dreamt of, deemed too testing for cars! All of a sudden things were looking dire, no one could tell us if the road would open later or even if the Ohakune road was suffering from the same fate. Undeterred, we headed over to see for ourselves, hoping the day wasn’t turning into just a long day driving. With no signs or gates stopping us, we decided our ascent should be ‘Pro’ style, that is one of us riding while one followed in the New Zealand Road Cyclist car. This way we would have the luxury of accessing kit, plus somewhere to retreat to if the descent became too treacherous. Liam Friary went first, suited and booted up, big ringing it for the first 6kms through the early shallow sections of the forest, only ...

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gabba, nano, nanoflex, Product talk, shoe-cover, ultra -

Bottles full, bikes prepped and kit sorted we headed off intrepidly into the hills, thinking the Whakapapa climb would be the perfect aperitif for us before the main climb of the day. Our best laid plans were scuppered early as we rolled up to the Bruce Road to find the ski station access road closed from the Chateau onwards due to ice. The testing conditions we had dreamt of, deemed too testing for cars! All of a sudden things were looking dire, no one could tell us if the road would open later or even if the Ohakune road was suffering from the same fate. Undeterred, we headed over to see for ourselves, hoping the day wasn’t turning into just a long day driving. With no signs or gates stopping us, we decided our ascent should be ‘Pro’ style, that is one of us riding while one followed in the New Zealand Road Cyclist car. This way we would have the luxury of accessing kit, plus somewhere to retreat to if the descent became too treacherous. Liam Friary went first, suited and booted up, big ringing it for the first 6kms through the early shallow sections of the forest, only ...

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