Riding the Sella Ronda
The Dolomites have a lot to offer to cyclists: spectacular peaks and legendary passes. To race or simply to get a glimpse of one of the many rides that the Dolomites are offering, Sella Ronda is maybe one of the most reachable circuit with a length of 55 kilometres and a gained altitude of 1780 metres.
We have gathered five women, part of our women’s cycling community, to experience the mythical Sella Ronda pass in the Dolomites and share their passion for cycling. State of feverish excitement, joyful anticipation, fears, advices, were all shared by every single one of them during the three days journey.
Surrounded by a spirit of camaraderie and mutual help, the group was challenged with different types of weather conditions (rain, sun, mist, cold) which they were easily able to defeat with the right piece of clothing like the Gabba and the Perfetto.
Some of them have even witnessed the state of bliss riding with a group of women by combining different visions of the sport: for some, the happiness of riding, for others, the performance, brought all together by several factors such as the gear, the place but also the people. They have joined their forces and weaknesses to push themselves further than they ever imagined.
In an enchanting setting, led by the attraction of mountains, every one of them fulfilled the desire to push the sport to a whole new level.
Thanks to these five ladies for sharing their love and passion for cycling.
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