Autumn – Time for more relaxed riding
Autumn – Time for more relaxed riding in colorful natural world. As a hobby cyclist who also races every now and then, I often catch myself taking my riding a bit too seriously. Of course you usually follow a strategy and have an idea what training is needed to be competitive or reach specific goals. But at the end of the day, cycling is just a hobby for most of us – one of the best ones though!
Therefore I am enjoying autumn time most, especially when the weather comes into picture like this year. Simply get on the bike and enjoy riding in beautiful scenery. I feel privileged to live in an area with lots of breathtaking opportunities.
It’s nearly impossible not to pass a lake on my rides. During summer you better avoid the major roads of Salzkammergut, because of heavy traffic. Coming September, when tourists are absent, it’s getting more and more peaceful everywhere and the options are even higher. Anyway I try to ride on smaller roads all-year whenever it’s possible.
The route I did yesterday reflects everything you can choose from here: flat sections, gentle hills, steep ramps, quiet places or fast downhills. Almost always with a great view, a lake nearby and smooth rolling tarmac. You can download the GPS track here.
Possible variations are endless and can be adapted to the weather sometimes. A few weeks ago, I was already forced to grab my winter pieces when the chill knocked on the door for a few days. I went with the Sanremo Thermosuit a bit earlier than expected. My review of Castelli’s masterpiece can be found here.
Luckily the sun and warmth came back in the last couple of days and allows to dress a bit airier again. Talking about clothing, I have a new favorite for those ‘off-season’ rides in moderate conditions: Castelli’s long-sleeved Aero Jersey
This piece of kit was a logical step regarding race fit apparel after the short-sleeved version – called Aero Race Jersey – and the Sanremo Speedsuit. The graphics are also very similar.
It’s an awesome, cosy thermal top with perfect fit for the mid season with temperatures from around 13 up to nearly 20 °C (depending a bit on personal preferences, kind of baselayer, windchill and sunlight). One may even wear it down to 10 °C (together with a vest), if not too sensitive on the sleeves.
Front, shoulders and sleeves are made of ‘Thermoflex Lite’, a slightly fleece-lined fabric which also blocks out some wind. I personally love the arm cuffs. They top the fit and prevent the sleeves from riding up – a well-conceived detail when wearing gloves to avoid cold gaps. Castelli uses their ‘Warmer’ fabric on the back for brilliant warmth and breathability. Three well-sized back pockets work fine for the usual stuff.
As its name implies, the fit is really great. Compared to the short sleeved Race jersey, it’s a bit more relaxed and the cut is less ‘race position demanding’ but still form-fitting. You may expect a super tight fit all around. But at the bottom (belly section) it still offers some stretch if you don’t have a slight climber’s figure. The collar is cutted a bit higher and has exactly the right width – non-restrictive, but not too loose to protect your neck securely. Pleated inserts at the armpits secure an aerodynamic stretchy fit and also help to regulate the body climate well.
If you want to learn more about the ‘magical’ zipper, please feel free to have a look at his funny video with Heinrich Haussler.
The new LS Aero Jersey became my most used piece this autumn and I hope for further rides in mild conditions, before winter finally steps in and it has to be stored away till spring.
More information, go to product page >>
Text: Bernhard Plainer (a keen cyclist who’s crazy about bike performance) – twitter: @hobbybiker
Photo: Erich Plainer