behind the scenes, castelli, Castelli cycling, Castelliwomen, corvara, dolomites, mountains, Photo, photoshoot, sellaronda, Women -

A glimpse into our latest photo shoot

ATTENTION! You are about to read the one-day journey of a Canadian lady attending a cycling photo shoot in the Dolomites. This may content pastries, coffees and mountains. Reader’s discretion is advised.

7:30 AM— leaving the office

Leaving the headquarters moment before the first ray of dawn, crisp morning air, we knew the day wasn’t going to be warm and hoped the changing weather of the mountains would be on our side. Heading up and down through the meandering roads leading right into the monumental Dolomites, Corvara in Badia.

9:15 AM— the arrival

All the way to get there until the first location, a continual feeling of amazement inhabited me. The powerful attraction led by the numerous peaks (no wonder it’s a UNESCO world heritage site) made me feel so little but such in peaceful state of mind at the same time.


9:45 AM— meeting with the crew … but first coffee

I could then feel that even if the weather were not likely to be on our side, we would have a good day. The models, the team and the Gruber’s (Ashley and Jered, photographers and dear friend of Castelli), everyone had an optimistic energy ready to chase the sun and authentic scenery. A lot of people say that to take the perfect picture, you have to be at the right place at the right moment, I honestly think that Ashley and Jered have this intrinsic quality of seeing things differently.


10:30 AM— first spot

Locations were preselected beforehand, but along the way we stopped to this serpentine road which ended up being a great spot for pictures. Everyone jumped out of the car, the models on their bikes and started to go up and down while the sun emerged between two peaks.

12:00 AM— on our way to the next location

And then, here she was, the Sella Ronda pass, dazzled by her splendour and sheer immensity, I was left without words. And at this very moment, I wondered if you could ever get used to the hugeness of these mountains peaks and to the beauty of those scenic surroundings. We stopped the car, changed the model’s clothing and the Gruber’s played their magic once again, even though the sun was slowly letting his place to clouds. As the temperature was getting colder, we as well. We stopped at a small coffee and pastry place called I Dolci di Ricky to grab a bite, warm up and for the models to get changed.


15:15 PM— last but not least

Strengthen up by fresh pastries and warm coffee, we headed to our last locations, a well-known road for the Gruber’s, who organized since 2016 in July a cycling journey in the Dolomites called #YOLOmites5000, passing right on this precise road.


Altogether, the colors of the trees, the snow, the light and the clouds revealing the peak of the mountain, staged a magnificent last scenery.

Taking the last breathe of fresh and quiet air, the sun went down as our day was over.

Photos : Béatrice Perron
