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It’s been a spectacular summer (at least where I’ve been), but now the kit that has seen me through the past few months is slowly being replaced by leg warmers, long-sleeved jerseys and warmers gilets. The European weather is heading into the autumnal spectrum of the season so any chance to keep hold of that sun is always welcome. Even if it involves many hours on cramped confined planes. A lucky chance with work cropped up that saw me heading State side, and as always the bike wasn’t left behind. California along with a several other areas in the US has a great reputation for cycling. Colorado, Portland and Seattle are a few of the other prime destination. Unfortunately due to time constraints I had to lump for only the areas around San Francisco and the Napa Valley, I know I know, its a damn shame but even through this hardship I managed to have a great time. For starters I’ll cover what was definitely one of the harder rides that I’ve been foolish enough to undertake in the past few years. A spin around parts of the Napa Valley, or more precisely, the roads around Clif Bar founder Gary ...

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