Castelli Multisport Team Camp 2020
If we allow ourselves to envision – if only for a few moments – what our expectation of ‘normal’ might have been as we head into the final days of March, it would most likely have included building fitness, spending time with friends, and being outdoors, weather permitting. And maybe even grabbing a few good shots for the ‘gram. As luck would have it, our US-based Castelli Multisport Team (CMT) was able to escape just in the nick of time, pre-quarantine and social distancing, to St. George, Utah, for a training camp filled with all the things we’re no longer supposed to be doing.
The CMT, a US-based team of 50 athletes from around the country, chose St. George for the stunning backdrop it provides for cycling and running, and for the opportunity for members of the team to spend time together and get to know each other better. Without the focused requirements of racing, we’d argue there are few situations better suited to bringing folks together – both physically and emotionally – as team camp.
Camp came on the cusp of a changing world, to which we returned after camp, more appreciative of our time spent together, time spent outdoors, and for the opportunity to be active and healthy. More than usual, we now find ourselves with a profound appreciation for things we may normally have taken for granted, and things to which we find ourselves most looking forward to returning to.
As JFK once said, ‘As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.’ Perhaps he wasn’t referring to sport, but these words seem particularly appropriate, and we remain grateful and optimistic about the future, and the opportunities it will soon again afford us to live through sport and community.