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Peak fitness is the end goal, but what actually happens to your body when you peak? We covered this, the different ways you can improve VO2 Max supplements vs. whole foods and much more in episode 168 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.  Topics covered in this episode Nate’s Leadville Preparation The best…

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Do oval rings affect power data, when fasted training actually effective, how to stop cramps and more in Episode 157 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast. Topics covered in this episode Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast Facebook Group Carson City Off-Road Live Podcast What we noticed at the Queen Stage of the Tour of…

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ask a cycling coach, athlete, cycling, cycling training, cycling training plans, fitness, fitness plateau, ftp, homeostasis, indoor training, nutrition, periodization, plateau, progression, science, sports, sports nutrition, steady state, stress, structured training, trainerroad, Training, training plan, triathlon -

The infamous fitness plateau is a state no athlete wishes to face. We’re going to make sure you never find yourself there. Throughout this discussion, we will introduce two foundational theories to understand what happens to our bodies when we train. By doing so, we aim to illuminate why certain practices yield results, while others achieve…

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baby, bike handling, breakaway, burnout, cadence, cat 1, cat 2, cat 3, cat 4, cat 5, category, fat, fatigue, ftp, heart rate, hrm, masters, mountain bike, mtb, newborn, plateau, power meter, power to weight, racing, road racing, rollers, Training, training plan, upgrade, w/kg, warm up, xc, xco -

If you’re brand new to racing, it’s pretty straightforward to know which racing category you should start out in. But what if you’re coming back to racing? What category should you race and, more interestingly, what does it say about you as a racer? These are just a couple questions I’m about to dig into. Cycling…

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