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Planning your entire season training and events can be difficult. But you can keep your training on track with a powerful, easy-to-use training calendar. Calendar lets you focus on what matters and modify your schedule when life happens.

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Recurring Workouts has been launched on TrainerRoad's Calendar, making it super easy to schedule that repeating group ride or the Friday TrainerRoad workout that you always do.

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cycling forum, cycling training calendar, endurance training calendar, News, trainerroad, TrainerRoad forum, TrainerRoad kits, training calendar -

Today’s a big day for TrainerRoad and I have three major things to share with you. A best in class training calendar A new TrainerRoad forum for people to share how to get faster Updated $15/month and $129/year pricing which goes into effect on Oct 8th, 2018.  All members with active memberships get locked into…

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