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Cycling is usually thought of as cardiovascular activity and rightly so. But bike riding also works the skeletal muscles. The production of power to drive the pedals involves complex activation of several muscle groups. Of course, the muscles most used in cycling are the legs, but you use muscle groups through the trunk and upper body. Depending on your cycling discipline, the level activation of these groups will vary.

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body composition, body fat, body fat scale, build muscle, caliper, carbohydrates, dexa, Nutrition, optimal body composition, power to weight ratio, scale, skinfold, Training, weight -

Overall weight doesn’t tell the whole story for endurance athletes. Understanding Body Composition and its impact on performance is an important step in optimizing your training and racing. For more on Body Composition and other topics check out Ask a Cycling Coach Ep 231 What is Body Composition? Body composition is the proportion of fat…

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