Cape Epic RSS

Cape Epic, mountain bike, mountain bike stage race, mtb, Racing, stage race -

It’s finally here! After years of planning and excitement, our TrainerRoad teams are finally in South Africa for Cape Epic. Follow along here to meet our teams, learn about each stage of the race, and get daily updates!

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272, ask a cycling coach, build, Cape Epic, courtney, fortitude, how to, kate, kate courtney, mental, mountain bike, mtb, nutrition, podcast, pro, recovery, skills, sleep, Strength, strength training, technical, Training -

MTB World Champion Kate Courtney joins the podcast to give you the insights to what it takes to be a World Champion including how she builds resilience through mental training, why she uses strength training to get faster, her recovery, nutrition and more in Episode 272 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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2021, 261, all, ask a cycling coach, bonk, bonking, Cape Epic, cycling, efficient training, going deep, going hard, high, how hard to go, indoor, low, mountain bike, mtb, podcast, pushing hard, schedules, trainerroad, Training, triathlon, volume, workouts -

Why bonking on your rides is not making you faster, how to know if you are going deep enough in your workouts, Improving the efficiency of your training in low and high volume training plans and more in Episode 261 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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