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adjusting, advice, bonking, breakaway, chase moves, crashes, crashing, feed zone, lap count, laps, lose fitness, Lose race, maintenance, neglect, preparedness, Racing, strategy, training, warmup, win races, winning strategy -

Cyclists spend lots of time thinking about how to win bike races, but maybe we should actually spend more time thinking about losing. By better understanding what leads to an outcome you want to avoid, you can fine-tune your efforts to achieve the success you crave. To that end, these are our top 15 time-honored ways to lose a bike race.

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bonking, carbohydrates, dehydration, energy, glycogen, glycogen depletion, immune system, Nutrition -

Bonking is a dreaded experience, an exhaustion of fuel and shutdown of the body’s ability to exert itself. The term gets thrown around a lot, but if you’ve ever felt it you know how bad it can be, and how hard it is to recover from. So just what is a bonk, why is it a bad thing, and how can you avoid it?

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2021, 261, all, ask a cycling coach, bonk, bonking, Cape Epic, cycling, efficient training, going deep, going hard, high, how hard to go, indoor, low, mountain bike, mtb, podcast, pushing hard, schedules, trainerroad, Training, triathlon, volume, workouts -

Why bonking on your rides is not making you faster, how to know if you are going deep enough in your workouts, Improving the efficiency of your training in low and high volume training plans and more in Episode 261 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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