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324, adjustments, adrenalin, alex wild, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, blood, breath, burning, calories, fat, glycogen, hannah finchamp, high intensity, off kinetics, on kinetics, orange seal, oxygen, podcast, respiration, steady state, training plan, Training volume, vo2 -

We know we burn energy in training, but what about when we recover? What processes happen in your body and how much energy does it take? In this episode we’ll cover this and go into the do’s and don’ts of training camps with two pros from the Orange Seal Off-Road Team, Hannah Finchamp and Alex Wild! Energy Cost of Recovery, Training Camps and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 324

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313, aerobic, aerodynamics, aggressive, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, bike handling, breathing, cadence, cardiac output, crit, criterium, ftp, heart rate, hrm, l39ion, l39ion of los angeles, legion, legion of los angeles, racing, tactics, team, threshold, tulsa, tulsa tough, ventilatory threshold, vo2, vo2max -

Coach Chad is back! This week we dig into how VO2max affects FTP, why heart rate may be lower or higher for different people at different times, and discussions about positioning in aggressive groups, heat, crashing and more inspired by Tulsa Tough.

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296, aerobic, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, capabilities, capacity, carbohydrate, carbs, challenge, cycling classes, distress, dogs, dumb trainers, fructose, ftp, GI distress, glucose, grey zone, grip strength, gut, high intensity, hiit, keegan, lactose, meal planning, mix, nutrition, on the bike fuel, periodized, podcast, polarized, power, ride food, road feel, running, segments, shopping, sloshing, Smart trainers, snacks, strava, strength training, swenson, tempo, trainers, training, vo2, z1, z3, z4, z5 -

Santa Cruz Bicycles’ Keegan Swenson joins us to discuss what type of training best raises FTP, what pro athletes eat on and off the bike, the world’s most aspirational Strava segments and much more in Episode 296 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!

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ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, autonomic nervous system, bottle cages, bottles, cadence, choking, cycling, efficiency, goals, headspace, low, mentality, muscle fiber, nerves, nervous, outcome, pace, pacing, perform, podcast, process, psychology, recovery weeks, run, slow twitch, strength training, time trial, tires, tpe 2, triathlon, tt, type ii, vo2 -

Is low cadence more naturally efficient than high cadence, how to perform in high-pressure situations, the hosts’ favorite equipment choices and more in episode 285 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!

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1, 267, ask a cycling coach, benefit, benefite, cycling, fitness, gain, head, headed, highest, how to, light, lightheaded, lightheadedness, max, minute, most, mountain bike, mtb, one, peak, podcast, power, ramp test, technique, tips, trainerroad, Training, triathlon, vo2, why, zones -

The difference between your VO2 Max power and Max 1 minute power, how to get the most benefit from your training zones, why training can make you lightheaded and more in Episode 267 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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