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adjusting, advice, bonking, breakaway, chase moves, crashes, crashing, feed zone, lap count, laps, lose fitness, Lose race, maintenance, neglect, preparedness, Racing, strategy, training, warmup, win races, winning strategy -

Cyclists spend lots of time thinking about how to win bike races, but maybe we should actually spend more time thinking about losing. By better understanding what leads to an outcome you want to avoid, you can fine-tune your efforts to achieve the success you crave. To that end, these are our top 15 time-honored ways to lose a bike race.

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297, aggressive, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, beet root, beets, body composition, bumping drills, carbohydrate, competition, contact, cookies, crashing, criterium, fat, friends, fueling, gravel, hard workouts, illegal, mental toughness, nutrition, officials, over-unders, overly competitive, podcast, power, puppy hands, radical candor, road, science of getting faster, sprint, supertuck, threshold, uci, weight loss -

Where should you draw the line with aggressive racing, why your sprint power may be lower than you want and how to improve it, why over-unders are so hard and what you can do to improve with them and much more in Episode 297 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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analysis, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, bike fit, burnout, calories, cleats, collegiate, crashing, goals, heart rate, injury, juniors, kids, kilojoules, lifting, meal, mobility, motivation, mountain bike, mtb, NICA, outcome, parents, peaking, pick a training plan, plan builder, podcast, post-workout, power meter, process, recovery, recovery shake, risk, routine, sauna, shoes, shower, stage race, Strength, stretch, team tactics, teams, training partner, training plan, triathlon, weight -

Post-workout recovery routines that make you faster, what to do when you are setting PRs before your goal event, how to find motivation to train and help motivate others and much more in Episode 286 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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aero, aero bikes, afternoon, alex grant, ask a cycling coach, bad race, camps, confidence, crash, crashing, crit racing, cycling, cycling training plans, decrease muscle mass, genetics, high power, high tss, lower weight, mental strength, night, nutrition, Park City Point 2 Point, performance, podcast, power output, recovery, road bikes, sprinting, team cliff bar, tough days, trainerroad, Training, training camps, training plan, triathlon, tss, USA Crits Team Competition, victory, weight loss, working out late -

How much of a role do genetics play in your ability to sprint, how do you recover from a bad race performance, and should your nutrition change for late night workouts? Join us live for discussion on all of this and more in Episode 173 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!  Topics covered…

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