cycling power based training RSS

cycling cyclocross training, cycling power based training, cycling software, cycling training plan for road racers, cycling training plans, News -

For the foreseeable future, we’re using data to make incremental improvements to our training plans. We’ve got the data! We’ve got years and years of high quality, accurate data on how our users complete TrainerRoad workouts. We know their age, their watt/kg, how often they’re training, their history and where they are in a plan.…

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cycling power based training, cycling power zones, ftp, how to determine your FTP, power zones, power-based training, Training, training with power, training with power for cyclists -

Power is the only objective metric you can use to train with. Other metrics — distance, heart rate, RPE — are subjective. This isn’t newfound knowledge. Most cyclists know this, but there are far fewer cyclists who have spent the time to really getit. So why is having more than a baseline understanding of power important; why does objectivity in training even matter; and what exactly does power...

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