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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, breakaway, bridge, caliper, cycling, dexa, fat, ironman, leadville, mtb, muscle, Nutrition, pace, pacing, podcast, race tactics, recovery, scale, single speed, skinfold, sprint, tanita, time trial, triathlon, tt, weight -

The goal of every cyclist is to optimize their power-to-weight ratio (w/kg). More power with less weight is going to make you faster —but how do you know if you are losing the right type of weight? Today’s post explores three methods cyclists can employ to measure their weight loss with precision. Overview Fat does…

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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, bibshorts, body fat, club kit, easy, ftp, functional threshold power, inertia, jersey, lamarck, low, over under, podcast, race kit, skinsuit, speedsuit, threshold, trainer, Training, vo2max, weight -

Power-based training is without a doubt the best way to structure training for cycling. However, if your FTP isn’t accurate you could be missing out on the benefits of training with power. Power-based, structured interval training is one of the most accessible and accurate ways to measure performance for cyclists. With a power meter, you’re…

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analysis, ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, attack, bibshorts, breakaway, chamois, counter attack, criterium, data, eat, eating, general fitness, group ride, high intensity, high volume, kit, nutrition, peak, phase, podcast, power meter, power to weight, Racing, recovery, shorts, skinsuit, speedsuit, training, training plan, w/kg, watt/kg -

Although not every race is won by a solo breakaway, multiple breakaways or breakaway attempts always form the outcome of a race. To make sure you’re at the pointy end of the race in the final kilometer, you need to have a specific type of fitness that allows you more than one shot at a…

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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, base, bike setup, climber, climbing, coach, coaching, cooling, dirty kanza, electronic trainer, fan, fatigue, fitbit, ftp, FTP test, hydration, illness, indoor, missed workout, monitor, nutrition, outdoor, pedal stroke, plan, podcast, power, recovery, resting heart rate, rhr, sprint, stress, temp training, trainer, Training, triathlon -

Cyclists who ignore metrics like Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to measure their recovery are leaving a lot on the table. This simple approach to quantifying recovery takes little time or effort, it can guide your decision making, and it might even give you that little bit more you need to win. Overview Power meters enable riders to precisely measure their…

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