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For many cyclists, their warmup routines before a race look a lot like riding around at a moderate pace for 10-20 minutes, depending on how long their event is. This is changing. In place of loose, unspecific pre-race workouts are structured workouts that riders are opting to do on the trainer — you may have…

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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, base, bike setup, climber, climbing, coach, coaching, cooling, dirty kanza, electronic trainer, fan, fatigue, fitbit, ftp, FTP test, hydration, illness, indoor, missed workout, monitor, nutrition, outdoor, pedal stroke, plan, podcast, power, recovery, resting heart rate, rhr, sprint, stress, temp training, trainer, Training, triathlon -

Cyclists who ignore metrics like Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to measure their recovery are leaving a lot on the table. This simple approach to quantifying recovery takes little time or effort, it can guide your decision making, and it might even give you that little bit more you need to win. Overview Power meters enable riders to precisely measure their…

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