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Features, updates, and bug fixes – see and discuss what we’ve been working on at TrainerRoad! Have any issues with the latest releases or features? Please shoot an email to and they’ll be happy to help. Here’s quick summary. This release, we fixed a problem with Ramp Tests being finicky while saving and closing…

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custom screen, feature, garmin, head unit, News, outdoor, outside, Training, update, wahoo, workouts -

Why Outside Workouts? The key to getting faster is structured training. Since most people don’t want to spend all of their time riding indoors, outside workouts ensure users have the same access to high-quality, structured training when they are outside. Now you can get faster year-round, inside or out, with TrainerRoad outside workouts on your…

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207, app, ask a cycling coach, assessment, busy, camp, cramming, descending, ftp, mongolia bike challenge, News, outside, parent, podcast, ramp, recovery, sleep, stage race, test, time crunch, time management, Training, ultra endurance, workout -

What it takes to win a World Cup STXC race, a deep dive on how the body cools itself, how cyclists should be using protein and BCAA, and much more in Episode 206 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast! More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum. Topics covered in this episode New…

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build, general, News, sustained, training plan, update -

Last week we mentioned that we're using data from millions of rides to help improve our training plans. This week, we've made changes to our build plans.

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