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adaptive training, analytics, News, plan builder, PowerMatch, TrainerRoad mobile app, TrainNow -

TrainerRoad’s newly-redesigned mobile app for iOS and Android devices let you plan and control your training from one place. Create a custom training plan with Plan Builder, manage and schedule rides on your Calendar, and get intelligently recommended workouts with TrainNow. The new TrainerRoad mobile app is available today!

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adaptive training, adaptive training plans, feature, machine learning, new feature, new features, new training plans, News, training plan -

There is a new way to train on your terms with the power of Adaptive Training. TrainNow gives you the flexibility to complete structured training, when and how you want, with intelligently recommended workouts. However you want to ride, TrainNow can help you get faster.

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FTP Improvement, FTP test, FTP testing, group ramp test, Group workouts, News, ramp test -

We are excited to announce the newest addition to Group Workouts -the Group Ramp Test. You and your friends can show off your fitness improvements while getting that extra bit of motivation to push your limits.

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group, group ride, group riding, Group workouts, motivation, motivation for training, News, social, training, workouts -

Get Faster Together. TrainerRoad's new Group Workouts feature helps you and your friends reach your goals while sharing live voice, video, and data.

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announcement, base, block, build, creator, custom, event, feature, launch, maker, News, phase, plan, plan builder, priority, specialty, Training -

Create your perfect season with our new automated training plan builder.

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