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healthy weight, low volume, low volume training, maintenance, motivation, nutrition, preparedness, setting goals, skipping workouts, staying motivated, structured training, succesful athletes, Successful Athletes, sweet spot -

Stephen Morina's job entails many long days of physical labor, but he's used smart training strategies to raise his FTP and stay motivated. His approach can serve as an example for any athlete with demanding schedule.

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consistency, early morning, Group workouts, mornings, mountain bike, Successful Athletes, successful athletes podcast, training, workout -

Consistency over time is the surest way to becoming a faster cyclist, but staying consistent doesn't always come easily. In this week’s Successful Athletes Podcast, Michael Brophy shares the real strategies that have helped him train consistently, nail his process goals, and reach 5w/kg amid a busy schedule.

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adventure race, busy schedule, criterium, ironman, Jessica Kuepfer, low volume, multisport, prioritization, rest, running, short power build, sleep, Successful Athletes, sweet spot, triathlon, work-life balance -

It’s tough enough to succeed at one sport. But Jessica Kuepfer takes things further, achieving podiums in multiple disciplines of cycling and running. Best of all, she continues to have fun along the way, thanks to a healthy perspective and thoughtful prioritization.

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adventure, bucket list ride, endurance, enduro, equipment, nutrition, succesful athletes, Successful Athletes, successful athletes podcast -

Octavio Flores Quintero had a dream ride in mind when he signed up for TrainerRoad. He used TrainerRoad to raise his FTP by 70 watts and prepare for Vallartazo—an adventurous ride from the high mountains of Western Mexico to the coastal paradise of Puerto Vallarta.

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aero, National championship, pacing, position, power meter, Successful Athletes, successful athletes podcast, time trial, triathlon -

When Egert Purre decided to race the 2020 Estonian Time Trial National Championship he didn't think he had a shot at winning. At best he hoped to earn third in his age group, and ideally he’d finish in the top five. His performance on race day told a different story though. Egert left everything he had out on the course and ended up finishing with the fastest time in his age group.

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