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154, acclimitization, albuterol, allergies, apps, ask a cycling coach, breathing, claritin, cross, cycling, cyclocross, dirt, doping, elevation, favorite, fondo, globaldro, gravel, groad, holding, inhaler, merckx, mountain bike, mtb, national level athlete, sagan, sagando, therapeutic use exemption, time trial, trainerroad, Training, triamcinolone, tt, tue, usada, wada, xc -

Why every time trialist should do a Merckx TT, the Peter Sagan Dirt Fondo course preview, how to make sure your allergy treatment is legal and more in Episode 154 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.  Topics covered in this episode What is a Merckx TT? Preparing for the Sagando An update on…

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151, aero, aerobic, anaerobic, ask a cycling coach, beta group, capacity, cram, crit, criterium, depleted, drops, fatigued, fix, ftp, gains, hard, heal, hoods, long, low, matchbook, matches, medicate, mountain bike, mtb, podcast, position, protocol, punchy, ramp, reduced amplitude, saddle, short, sore, soreness, steady, sustained, test, threshold, time crunch, time trial, tops, Training, treat, triathlon, tt, v02, vo2 -

How to avoid running out of “matches”, should steady state athletes skip VO2 training, a testing protocol for different positions and more in the Episode 151 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.  Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad’s new fitness testing protocol How much difference can you expect in FTP on your TT…

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a race, anti-squat, ask a cycling coach, chloride, clif bar, climbing, crit, criterium, cross country, electrolyte, goal, hip flexors, hips, hydration, leadville, marathon, marc pro, mountain bike, mtb, out of the saddle, peak, pelvic tilt, physical, podcast, power, psoas, psychological, ratio, rpe, seated, sprint, stand, standing, tactics, team camp, time trial, Training, tt, ventilatory threshold, weight, xc, xcm -

Standing vs. seated climbing, what it takes to go sub-8 at Leadville, peaking more than once & more in this episode of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.  Topics covered in this episode What it’s like to ride at professional team camps Tactics or power to weight – which matters most? How pro cyclists…

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139, alcohol, ask a cycling coach, beer, category, facebook beta group, flat, foam roll, ftp, genetics, massage, mtb, myofascial, plyometrics, power to weight, recovery, release, talent, time trial, Training, triathlon, upgrade -

Does foam rolling actually work, the real reason why triathlon times are getting faster, how much of performance is due to genetics & more! Join us live for this week’s episode of the Ask a Cycling coach Podcast.  Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad’s Facebook Beta Group How to know when you should upgrade…

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132, ask a cycling coach, assessment, cross training, disappointment, discouragement, doctor, etiquette, ftp, group ride, hand pain, mtb, number, outdoors, outside, pace, pacing, pin, pinning, podcast, power/weight, prescription, rebound, recover, tactics, test, trainer, Training, triathlon, tt bike -

Tactics and etiquette to help you own your next group ride, what cyclists should know about cross-training, and how to rebound from a disappointing result. All of this and more in Episode 132 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast! Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad Party at Cyclocross National Championships! We’re hiring software engineers!…

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