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25, 26, 28, ask a cycling coach, brick, build, calories, carson city, cleats, entertainment, epic rides, fat, fat burning zone, fatigue, gain, Garmin Connect, hiring, injury, internal, leadville, loss, low intensity, motivation, mtb, nbc sports gold, phase, podcast, rim, shoes, strava, strength training, time off, time trial, tire, Training, tri, tt, weight, weights, whiskey, width, workout -

Are wider tires really better, what intensity is best for fat burning and can you brick strength training and cycling workouts? Get the answers in Episode 131 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast! Topics covered in this episode TrainerRoad Party at Cyclocross National Championships! We’re hiring software engineers! Apply here. Why you should sync…

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aero, aerodynamics, ask a cycling coach, best bike split, cycling, ironman, kona, meter, pacing, podcast, power, ryan cooper, trainerroad, Training, triathlon, weight -

Ryan Cooper is the founder of Best Bike Split, Chief Scientist at Training Peaks, and an expert on all things aerodynamics and pacing. We met up with Ryan in Kona to discuss how to achieve perfect pacing, aerodynamic advantages in time trialing, and triathlon tactics. Topics covered in this episode How Ryan Cooper became an…

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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, breakaway, bridge, caliper, cycling, dexa, fat, ironman, leadville, mtb, muscle, Nutrition, pace, pacing, podcast, race tactics, recovery, scale, single speed, skinfold, sprint, tanita, time trial, triathlon, tt, weight -

The goal of every cyclist is to optimize their power-to-weight ratio (w/kg). More power with less weight is going to make you faster —but how do you know if you are losing the right type of weight? Today’s post explores three methods cyclists can employ to measure their weight loss with precision. Overview Fat does…

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ask a coach, ask a cycling coach, bibshorts, body fat, club kit, easy, ftp, functional threshold power, inertia, jersey, lamarck, low, over under, podcast, race kit, skinsuit, speedsuit, threshold, trainer, Training, vo2max, weight -

Power-based training is without a doubt the best way to structure training for cycling. However, if your FTP isn’t accurate you could be missing out on the benefits of training with power. Power-based, structured interval training is one of the most accessible and accurate ways to measure performance for cyclists. With a power meter, you’re…

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base, cross training, duathlon, form sprints, ftp, heart rate, interval, lactate threshold, not lose weight, nutrition, off season, periodization, power, reverse periodization, run, sweet spot, swim, taper, test, time trial, Training, training plan, triathlon, tt, watts, weight, zone -

The objective of an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test is to get an accurate indication of your current fitness level. As you progress through your training plan, your fitness will improve. Since your FTP is used to adjust the intensity of your power-based training to your needs, it’s extremely important that you have an accurate measurement…

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