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breakfast, course, cycling, dinner, drive, hacks, indulge, music, park city, performance, pre-race, prioritize, race, race recap, recap, recovery, rest, ride, routine, sea otter, sleep, sleeping, spinning, Strength, strength training, tips, trainerroad, Training, treat, venue, visualize, visualizing, warmup -

Keegan Swenson is one of the best cross-country MTB racers in the USA, and is currently focused on earning a spot to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. I've never met anybody who approaches the training process with so much enthusiasm and optimism, and I think we can all learn from that in this interview. Enjoy the podcast, and be more like Keegan!

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balance, cardi b, course, dinner, drive, environments, faster, ideal dinner, indulge, mountain bike, music, pancakes, pre-ride, prerace, pro team, race recap, racing, ride, routine, school, sea otter, sleep, sofia gomez villafane, stans, trainerroad, Training, venue, warmup, work -

Sofía Gomez Villafañe is the current XCO and STXC National Champion of Argentina and a rising star in the sport of Cross-Country mountain biking. She's a relative newcomer to the sport and still maintains a part-time job while training and racing full-time for the Stans-Pivot Pro Team p/b Maxxis.

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40k TT, bikes, bolts, carb loading, change, check, climbs, climbs vs flats, drinking, effective, flats, get rid, group, harder, hydration, leadville, liquid, loose, nap, napping, pacing, pre race nutrition, recap, riders, sleep, sleeping, state championships, takeaways, Training, tt, UCI rules, waru\mup, windy -

Six months of preparation has led to this 40k TT State Champs Recap. What we did wrong, what we did well, what we plan on changing moving forward, and your questions on tactics, naps and Leadville. Join us live for Episode 164 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!  Topics covered in this episode…

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active recovery, Aerobic capacity, Age, Aging, Aging Athlete, Aging Endurance Athlete, ask a cycling coach, cycling, fast, faster, gains, Geriatrics, high intensity interval training, Increased body fat, nutrition, old age, Physiology, recovery, recovery strategy, research, sleep, Strength, strength training, structured training, studies, Supercompensation, Training, vo2max -

When it comes to base training, Head Coach Chad Timmerman usually recommends Sweet Spot Base. Sweet Spot Base is more intense than a Traditional Base training approach. Everything from neuromuscular bursts to VO2 max intervals and Sweet Spot work is included to get you generally fit in a hurry. When an athlete who’s — physiologically —…

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ask a cycling coach, cycling, evening workouts, podcast, sleep, trainerroad, Training -

Sometimes working out late at night is the only option, but evening workouts have the potential to negatively affect your training. This begs the question: are cycling workouts done just before bedtime even worth doing? It’s a struggle many cyclists are familiar with: finding time to train during daylight hours can be tough. Jobs, family…

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