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272, ask a cycling coach, build, Cape Epic, courtney, fortitude, how to, kate, kate courtney, mental, mountain bike, mtb, nutrition, podcast, pro, recovery, skills, sleep, Strength, strength training, technical, Training -

MTB World Champion Kate Courtney joins the podcast to give you the insights to what it takes to be a World Champion including how she builds resilience through mental training, why she uses strength training to get faster, her recovery, nutrition and more in Episode 272 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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female, mountain biking, mtb, MTB Race, off-road cycling training plans, pregnancy, professional athlete, skills, Sonya Looney, Successful Athletes, training, training while pregnant, women, womens specific -

Balancing a demanding training load with a busy schedule is a challenge for any athlete. Entrepreneur, mother, and professional mountain bike racer, Sonya Looney, shares how she fits training into her busy schedule without compromising the time and responsibilities that are important to her. For Sonya Looney’s full episode check out Succesful Athletes Podcast Ep 12.…

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cross country olympic, dirt, mountain bike, mtb, off-road, pro, professional athlete, protips, PROXCT, Racing, specialized, uci, xc -

Here’s how professional mountain bike racer Alex Wild warms up for XC MTB races and preps his starts to make them as smooth and as powerful as possible.

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long distance, long races, mountain bike, mtb, off-road, stage races, stage racing, Successful Athletes, training -

Longtime friends and stage racing teammates, Alex Mallet and Brandon Watson, did their first major stage race at one of the most challenging stage races in the world —the Cape Epic in Cape Town, South Africa. From their achievements to their mistakes, here’s how Alex and Brandon tackled their first big stage race, and what they recommend to any athlete interested in mountain bike stage racing.

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1, 267, ask a cycling coach, benefit, benefite, cycling, fitness, gain, head, headed, highest, how to, light, lightheaded, lightheadedness, max, minute, most, mountain bike, mtb, one, peak, podcast, power, ramp test, technique, tips, trainerroad, Training, triathlon, vo2, why, zones -

The difference between your VO2 Max power and Max 1 minute power, how to get the most benefit from your training zones, why training can make you lightheaded and more in Episode 267 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.

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