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beta-alanine, caffeine, carbohydrates, drink mix, food, fuel, gels, hydration and electrolytes, Nutrition, protein, supplements for cyclists -

Some of the supplements recommended to endurance athletes are necessary to performance, while others offer only minor benefits. You can determine which ones are right for you with a look at your diet and an assessment of the pros and cons that come with each supplement.

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carbohydrates, chiel poffe, GDF15, high-volume training, ketone esters, ketone supplements, ketones, nonfunctional overreaching, nutrition, overreaching, overtraining, recovery, recovery nutrition, research, rest, Science of Getting Faster, supplements -

Exogenous ketone esters are a hot topic in cycling. In our second conversation with Dr. Chiel Poffe, we learn about his research into using ketone esters to benefit recovery from high-volume training.

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carbohydrates, carbs, fructose, glucose, nutrition, Science of Getting Faster, study -

We know that the quantity of carbohydrates ingested after exercise impacts the replenishment of glycogen stores, but what about the type of carbohydrates ingested? Does ingesting glucose and fructose, as opposed to just glucose, impact subsequent endurance performance? The Science of Getting Faster Podcast dives into the research with Dr. Tim Podlogar on the effects of co-ingesting fructose and glucose, to see if there are any performance benefits for cyclists.

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carb loading, carbohydrates, carbs, diet, drink, food, fuel, hydration, Nutrition, recovery, recovery shake, shakes -

No matter what workout you're doing, you should always plan on some recovery nutrition afterward. There are numerous benefits to recovery drinks, and timing them correctly will help you feel confident that your glycogen stores are replenished for your next workout.

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carbohydrates, carbs, electrolytes, food, food for riding, fuel, hydration, Nutrition, protein, water, weight loss, what to drink, what to eat -

You need sufficient, high quality nutrition to fuel your workouts, aid your recovery, and promote your body’s physical adaptations. When you’re not fueling properly you’re short changing the training process, and your body's ability to work harder and get faster.

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