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cycling goals, cycling training goals, how to set cycling goals, indoor cycling, indoor cycling training, power-based training goals, Training -

Setting goals is a big part of racing and cycling in general. How much thought and strategy you put into the goal-setting process can forecast how your race season will turn out. That might sound bold, but there’s some science behind that statement. In a study done by the Dominican University on goals research, they…

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am i doing base training wrong?, base training, base training done wrong, cycling base training, how to do base training, how to do cycling base training, how to do winter base training, traditional base, traditional base training, Training -

It’s traditional thinking that during winter when you’re doing base training you should be doing as long of rides as you can and at a very low intensity. This is the correct intention if you have enough time to bring about the type of adaptations you want. But there’s a catch. The majority of cyclists…

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base training, base training plan, cycling base training, cycling base training plan, how to base training, sweet spot base training, traditional base training, Training, winter base training, winter cycling base training -

Variables like your cycling experience level, schedule and type of event you’re training for determine the approach you should take to base training. Take a look at these three rider-type scenarios to help you decide which approach works best for you. Triathlete Experience: Moderate Availability: Minimal time to train (6 hours/week on the bike) Recommended base…

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create a training plan, custom cycling training plan, cycling training plan, cycling training plans, indoor cycling training plan, indoor training, indoor training plan, Training, winter cycling, winter cycling training, winter cycling training plan, Winter training -

Your winter cycling training plan should be created based off the demands of your goal event, also known as an A-priority race. After you’ve determined what and when your goal event is, the next step is to pick all the B- and C-priority races you’ll do between now and then to help you prepare for…

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Every cyclist will miss prescribed workouts in their training plan at some point, but it’s not the end of the world. The key is knowing how to adjust your training plan to keep your training on track. Training Interruptions Whether you’ve become sick or found yourself on vacation during the middle of a training plan, it’s…

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