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278, adjustment, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach podcast landing page, base, beers with chad, carbs, climbing, derailleur, garbage, gearing, litter, nutrition, pacing, power/weight, steep climbs, sweet spot, team, team time trial, time trail, traditional, trash, Uncategorized, watts/kg, watts/kilo -

Building your fitness to improve your watts/kilo, how to prepare for rides that finish with steep climbs, how to train for team time trials and more in Episode 278 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast. More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum. Topics covered in this episode Building your fitness to improve…

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busy schedule, century, confidence, FTP increase, gran fondo, logistics, low volume, low volume training, prioritizing training, specificity, Successful Athletes, sweet spot -

Jon Kaslow started cycling on a whim, but this busy rider used TrainerRoad's low-volume plans to dramatically improve his FTP. His strategies are a great example for any time-crunched athlete.

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base training, build phase, Cancelled events, consistency, motivation, motivation for training, Outside Workouts, speciality training, sweet spot, Training -

Events are cancelled, and athletes are wondering whether to continue their training plans or restart base. With consistency, this season can have long term benefits either way.

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build muscle, core strength, glutes, muscle activation, muscles, muscular endurance, Strength, strength training, sweet spot, sweet spot base, Training -

Cycling is usually thought of as cardiovascular activity and rightly so. But bike riding also works the skeletal muscles. The production of power to drive the pedals involves complex activation of several muscle groups. Of course, the muscles most used in cycling are the legs, but you use muscle groups through the trunk and upper body. Depending on your cycling discipline, the level activation of these groups will vary.

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distance, endurance, intensity, long rides, outside ride, outside rides, Outside workouts, recovery rides, sweet spot, Training, training plans, volume -

Sweet spot training is one of the most effective and efficient ways to train. However, there are times when you can take a break from the intensity and reap the benefits of a long endurance ride. You can address your aerobic base, experiment with nutrition, and prepare for your event by substituting an endurance ride in place of a sweet spot workout.

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