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Answer: No. When climbing a hill, you may see differences in your body’s ability to express 100% of your FTP, but the experience is not enough to necessitate a different FTP. Why is My FTP More Impressive on Climbs Than Flats? This disparity in performance brought on by these different scenarios can be discouraging and cause…

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acclimation, acclimitization, adaptation, adaption, ask a cycling coach, athlete, blood, cooling, cycling, cycling training, cycling training plans, fan, heat training, hot weather, humidity, podcast, sauna, shower, sweat, temperature, Training -

While the focus of optimal indoor training is to control two critical variables — intensity and duration —heat is another powerful tool to develop fitness and get faster. Before you throw away your fan… Foremost, it’s important to acknowledge our stance on cooling. In almost every situation our suggestion for managing heat indoors is to…

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