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Casper Green raised his FTP 70 watts with TrainerRoad to train for local group rides in Houston, Texas, all while being a busy father and working a demanding job in home automation. By making small changes along the way and staying consistent with a low-volume training plan Curtis lost 35 pounds and reached 4.0 W/kg.

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Do you ever feel like other cyclists improve more quickly and dramatically than you? Here are four real-world examples of TrainerRoad athletes and their improvements.

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Jon Kaslow started cycling on a whim, but this busy rider used TrainerRoad's low-volume plans to dramatically improve his FTP. His strategies are a great example for any time-crunched athlete.

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century, FTP increase, gran fondo, gravel, low volume, motivation for training, structured training, structured training plan, Successful Athletes, successful athletes podcast, weight loss -

Elite athletes aren't the only cyclists that benefit from structured training. For Brad Kundracik, balancing life commitments and training meant that he needed an efficient way to grow his fitness. Using TrainerRoad, Brad added 100w to his FTP, lost 35 pounds, and almost doubled his watts/kg. This ordinary cyclist saw some impressive results, and he has some advice for anyone trying to makes the most of their time.

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FTP is just a number used to calibrate training, but many cyclists see it it as a status symbol, and seek a constantly improving value as validation. Why does FTP occasionally decline, and what do you do next?

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