327, ask a cycling coach, Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, bike choice, blood glucose, carb loading, carbohydrate, carbs, endurance, finchamp, focus, glucose, hannah, health, injury, meal timing, mentality, mtb, nutrition, podcast, pre-race nutrition, racing, start, sugar -

Athletes and Insulin, Carbohydrate Timing and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 327

High carb intake and endurance sports go hand-in-hand, but is this damaging to your health? Join us and Orange Seal Off-Road’s Hannah Finchamp as we dig into the relationships of glucose, insulin, and workout intensity to know how you can prioritize health and performance, and much more!

More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum.

Topics covered in this episode

  • Intro 0:12
  • What happens when our bodies eat sugar? 5:21
  • How does insulin work? 8:38
  • How does activity affect insulin? 15:52
  • Are high-carb endurance athletes at risk of becoming diabetic? 20:30
  • Data-driven ways to plan meal timing 50:59
  • Hannah’s tips for bike choice 1:30:40
  • A pro’s guide to chaotic race starts 1:35:59
  • Live questions and answers 1:53:54

Resources mentioned in this episode

Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast

Successful Athletes Podcast

Science of Getting Faster Podcast

For more cycling training knowledge, listen to the Ask a Cycling Coach — the only podcast dedicated to making you a faster cyclist. New episodes are released weekly.
