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Recently, I was asked to weigh in on the topic of low-intensity recovery rides and their potential training benefits and I found myself particularly excited for the opportunity to share some information that falls well outside of the traditional energy-focused models of endurance sports performance as well as voice my support of recovery training based…

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Too many road cyclists and motorists have established a seemingly irreconcilable disdain for one another. Both insist the other is reckless, self-centered, and consistently displays behavior nothing short of pure jackassery. Each emphatically points their finger at the other, obstinately insisting the opposing party is to blame for the discourse. Certainly, blame cannot be placed…

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Training -

5 years ago I purchased a TT bike (Cervelo P2C) as I ramped up for my first Ironman. I’ve been somewhat happy with it but I always seemed to be uncomfortable in aero position. As a result, I didn’t train on it as much as I should have for my Ironman. I was happy with…

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Training -

Over the years I’ve grown increasingly averse to claims of certainty and so-called inarguable truths that beset exercise physiology in general, endurance sports physiology in particular. And I’ve always been deeply suspect of any athlete or coach who touts categorical certainty when informing others of “the right way” or “the best workout for…” or “the…

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Training -

Having the uncommon opportunity to witness, firsthand and often, the struggle riders face each time they saddle up for a set of indoor intervals has afforded me certain insights to which more traditional, “outdoor” cycling coaches might not be privy. For 11 months in a row each year for several years I’ve suffered alongside a…

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