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aerobic, anaerobic, muscle fibers, muscular endurance, muscular strength, peak force, peak power, sprint power, strength training, Training -

Cyclists ask a lot of their muscles, but not all muscle is the same and different muscle types function in different ways. Let’s examine muscle types and consider how building muscular strength can make you faster.

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all energy systems, energy systems, form sprints, neuromuscular, peak power, power-based training, sprint, Training -

The body has three energy systems. As an endurance sport, cycling focuses on the aerobic system. But for those quick moments when peak power output is needed, the neuromuscular energy system is supreme. This article will cover how the neuromuscular energy system works, how you use it, and what you can do to train it.

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ask a cycling coach, clinic, episode 185, finish, peak power, podcast, power, sprint, sprinting, technique, tips, Training -

With a peak power PR over 2,200 watts and years of experience at the toughest criteriums in the USA, Team Clif Bar Racing’s Pete Morris knows how to sprint. While you may not have a 2,000-watt sprint, Pete’s simple technique tips from Episode 185 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast will help any cyclist…

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