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endurance nutrition, Nutrition, sports nutrition, taper week, taper week nutrition, tapering -

Only one week until your big race. You’ve made it.  You’ve survived the training.  You’ve started to taper.  But what should you eat now? There’s plenty of conflicting advice out there to confuse most anyone. There’s “to carb load,” there’s “to carb starve,” there’s reducing calories, adding calories, and more.  Clear as mud. Taper week…

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cycling breakfast, endurance breakfast, endurance nutrition, Nutrition, pre race nutrition, sports nutrition -

They don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing. Here are a couple of tips to help you start the day off right with the perfect meal to fuel for whatever the occasion may be. 1. Purpose The first step in creating the perfect breakfast is identifying the purpose. What does…

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ginger, ginger and recovery, Nutrition, post workout nutrition, recovery, recovery nutrition, sports nutrition -

When you think of training, do visions of health and fitness come to mind? Most likely they do, and for good reason.  Consistent exercise and training obviously offer many health benefits.  But for many athletes, it also carries the risk of going too far, actually damaging muscles and cells, and causing fatigue and chronic soreness.…

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endurance breakfast, endurance nutrition, Nutrition, pre race nutrition, sports nutrition -

Between the nerves and the early start times, it can be easy to skimp on food and miss out on getting the right nutrition before a race. For the sake of your performance and your health, ensuring that you get the right pre-race nutrition is a must. Use the following tips to help enhance your…

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beet juice, beet powder, beet root, beets, beets and endurance, endurance nutrition, Nutrition, nutrition research, sports nutrition -

By now you’ve surely heard about the latest endurance power-fuel, beet juice. With a handful of studies to attest for it’s positive effects on endurance as well as some world class athletes adding it to their diets, the age of the beet is upon us. But if you dive into this trendy red vegetable a…

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