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Alex Marchal, Community, injury, injury prevention, injury recovery, massage, Mobility, physical therapist, physical therapy, physio, race team, Specialized Enduro Team, strength, stretching -

The luckiest teams in the Enduro World Series have a physical therapist who accompanies them at all the races, helping them maintain and gain mobility and strength with warm ups, cool downs, and overall better training. It's like having a world-class mechanic, for your body.

The article Specialized Enduro Team Physio, Alex Marchal, Keeps the team Mobile and She’s Wicked Skilled on a Bike appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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Achievement, adventure, Disability, goal setting, humor, life, Mobility, motivation, sports, TEDxTalks, video, Videos -

In this TED Talk, Martyn Ashton explains the unbelievable challenge presented by a career-ending mountain bike injury, and how he used a unique approach to tackle it.

The post Watch: In Disaster There Is Opportunity – Martyn Ashton TED Talk appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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