SpeedX RSS

Features, SpeedX, Tech news -

If you’re at all familiar with the defunct Chinese bike brand, SpeedX, then perhaps you’ve got questions about where they ended up. All of those questions (and probably a few more, let’s be honest) were answered in a major investigative feature published in June 2019. And while the company remains every bit as dead in …

The post SpeedX has been resurrected … sort of appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Features, Podcast, Podcasts, SpeedX -

This week’s episode is something of a departure from our usual programming, with an audio version of our recent feature, ‘What happened to SpeedX?‘ . It takes you on a fascinating journey from the meteoric rise to the catastrophic fall of a bike company called SpeedX – a crowdfunding sensation that made global headlines in …

The post CyclingTips Podcast: The birth and death of a bike company appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Features, SpeedX, Tech features -

I didn’t set out to write this story – I want to be clear about that. I didn’t expect SpeedX to end up leading me into a tangled web of secret police and tanks in Tiananmen Square. Then again, neither did they. From 2016, though, I had a kind of morbid curiosity about the brand. …

The post The story behind the story: What happened to SpeedX? appeared first on CyclingTips.

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bike share, Bluegogo, China, Culture, Features, SpeedX, Tech, Tech features -

From a record-breaking Kickstarter campaign to 800,000 bikes dumped across China, this is the strange, sad story of SpeedX's monumental rise and fall.

The post The birth and death of a bike company: What happened to SpeedX? appeared first on CyclingTips.

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