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CyclingTips Podcast: The birth and death of a bike company

This week’s episode is something of a departure from our usual programming, with an audio version of our recent feature, ‘What happened to SpeedX?‘ .

It takes you on a fascinating journey from the meteoric rise to the catastrophic fall of a bike company called SpeedX – a crowdfunding sensation that made global headlines in 2017 with their ‘smart’ road bike, diversified into one of the biggest bikeshare schemes in China, and soon after, collapsed dramatically.

This is a far wilder story than a simple business collapse, though. The mindboggling trail of SpeedX’s downfall led CyclingTips journalist Iain Treloar all the way to the Tiananmen Square massacre, via the Chinese secret police and enormous graveyards of millions of bikes.

If you’re yet to read the written feature, or would like to revisit it, have a listen – the production from Phil Golston gives the piece another dimension.  And if you’d like more on this story, check out our behind-the-scenes of this five month investigation here.

Click here for a direct download, and here to listen on Soundcloud. The CyclingTips podcast is now on Spotify, as well, and you can listen to it there. Or just subscribe to the CyclingTips Podcast via RSSiTunesStitcher, or Google Play.


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