AI, Features, Racing -

Bike race coverage has changed a lot in recent years. Gone are the days of simply sitting down to watch a basic race feed. Nowadays, we have more information at our fingertips than ever before, helping to augment the viewing experience. We have second-screen apps that allow us to track the position of every rider …

The post Could AI be the future of bike race coverage? appeared first on CyclingTips.

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AI, Features, Humour -

Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming for our jobs. That might sound like the fearmongering of a nervous luddite, but its probably not too far from the truth. Earlier this year Taiwanese-American AI expert Kai Fu Lee suggested that as much as 40% of jobs could be replaced within 15 years. Thats no small percentage. Anyone …

The post We asked AI to write about cycling here’s what happened appeared first on CyclingTips.

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