Karen Darke RSS

Adrian Disney, Cadair Idris, Challenge Your Boundaries, Hand cycling, Karen Darke, News, Snowdonia, Wales -

On 20th April 2013, four disabled riders and their support crews set out to scale Cadair Idris, one of the tallest mountains in Southern Snowdonia, using specially designed mountain bikes. The bikes, which are pedalled by hand rather than by foot, have especially low gears which are essential on the steep and rocky upper slopes […]

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Karen Darke, Mountain Epic, News, Paralympics -

Karen Darke, the medal winning Paralympian hand-cyclist, will join four other riders on 20th April 2013 as they attempt to scale Cadair Idris, one of the tallest mountains in Snowdonia, using specially designed mountain bikes. The bikes, which are pedalled by hand rather than by foot, have especially low gears that will be essential on […]

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