aptos RSS

Aptos, Jeff Herbertson, News, Pivot Cycles, Post Office Trails -

Heading to the Post Office to the average person would be a dull and boring experience, but to a cyclist it meant something very different! Check out Jeff Herbetson’s final session at the Post Office Trails. “Post Office has been a very special place to a lot of people. In 2008 I visited Aptos, and […]

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Aptos, dirt jump, News, Post Office Trails -

It’s the end of an era! The legendary Post Office Trails in Aptos are about to be torn down, time to watch one last edit before they are replaced with shops! #postofficetrails #aptos #santacruz The Aptos Post Office has been a legendary spot for the world of mountain biking for the past decade. It has […]

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Aptos, Feel Good Friday, News, Ryan Howard -

It might be Feel Good Friday, but times are tough. Even pro riders are struggling in this recession. Take Ryan Howard for example. Yeah he might be sponsored by Trek, but the poor guys still gotta hold down a paper round, work the local grill and wait tables just to make ends meet. Like I […]

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