dh riding in Malaga RSS

Aspect Media, dh riding in Malaga, Intense Cycles, Joe Connell, News, Roost DH, Spain -

After watching this edit of Joe Connell, we are looking at flights to Malaga, for those in Europe, sun and dusty trails are just a short flight away! Check out Joe shredding in the dust and tell me you aren’t tempted? Joe Connell hits up RoostDH in southern Spain near Malaga for some winter sun, […]

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Chain Reaction Cycles, dh riding in Malaga, News, Team CRC Winter Training in Malaga -

If you like mtb videos then you’r in for a good week. I’ve got a feeling this won’t be the only vid I’ll be posting today. Check out some out Matt Simmonds, Matti Lehikoinen, and Joe Smith getting in some winter training in Malaga aead of the start of the World Cup series.

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