david cachon RSS

David Cachon, Lazer Sport, MagicShine, News, Patrol Mountain, PRO Bikegear, Shimano, SR Suntour, Vittoria -

Welcome to Jordan, a place that will awaken your senses and also your legs, David Cachon has traveled the country in search of good trails to ride a bicycle and discover some things about local customs and traditions. The trip will visit places of passage of the Jordan Trail, such as Umm Qais, Petra, the […]

The post Video: ‘Bike Destinations’ – Jordan with David Cachon first appeared on IMB.

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David Cachon, Five Ten, ION Products, Kross, News, POC Sports, VEE Tire Co -

Join David Cachon through the trails of Navarra, the Kingdom of Mountain Bike: Movie deserts or lush forests, you just have to take the indicated route, the rest you will discover for yourself. In less than two hours we can go from walking the trails of one of the largest beech forests in Europe to […]

The post Video: Navarra | David Cachon first appeared on IMB.

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David Cachon, News, Peru -

Join rider David Cachon along with his photography buddy Fernando Marmolejo in this great escape to Peru, Close to Heaven… Close to heaven Before making this trip, when I heard something about Peru, a typical picture always came to mind: Machu Picchu. It is normal, it is one of the most important tourist attractions in […]

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David Cachon, News -

“When I explore new paths I always have the same feeling, that knot in my stomach that grows with the uncertainty of the unknown. What will I discover? . It is something that makes me go out once after another on a trip to meet new regions, countries and remote areas. But what I did […]

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David Cachon, Five Ten, ION Products, Kross, News, POC Sports, VEE Tire Co -

A good few years ago I discovered this fantastic valley, it was thanks to my friend and great photographer Mikel Helsing. I must confess that the area captivates me deeply as soon as I arrive, its impressive landscapes guarded by great mountains make you feel privileged, a little small perhaps, especially when you appreciate that […]

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