brendan howey RSS

Brendan Howey, News -

Howey has been on a tear these past few months. Riding everything he can get his hands on. His main squeezes are the ABSOLUT, CLASH, and the FURIOUS. All in size LARGE to accommodate his 6’2″ stature. With new colourways and models dropping throughout the summer, there won’t be many down days for this guy. […]

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Anthony Messere, Brandon Semenuk, Brendan Howey, Carson Storch, Cody Kelley, Kriss Kyle, Matt Jones, Matty Miles, News, Olly Wilkins, Red Bull, Rob Warner, Thomas Vanderham, Veronique Sandler -

Raw 100 is a video series designed to highlight the talent and creativity of riders and filmmakers. The rules are simple: 100 seconds in length, no slow-motion footage, and no music. Featuring biking’s finest from the world of Freeride, Enduro, Downhill, Slopestyle, Street BMX and Flatland BMX. Including some cameo’s from the world of Kayaking […]

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Brendan Howey, Commencal, News -

Brendan Howey escapes Canadian winter down under. After spending a few weeks in Australia last year, Brendan Howey decided to chase summer this year and spend the majority of his “winter” down under, riding bikes and digging trail in Maydena, Tasmania. Deep in the Tasmanian rainforest beneath the ferns Brendan tears up the Maydena Bike […]

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Brendan Howey, British Columbia, News, Scott Secco -

Canadian filmmaker Scott Secco has teamed up with freerider Brendan Howey again to bring us this – Brendan Howey: Rain or Shine. Here’s what they have to say: Brendan Howey, our most faithful of freeriders, took advantage of some free time to shoot a video at home on the Sunshine Coast in BC. It’s a […]

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Brendan Howey, Coast Gravity Park, Commencal, Fox Racing Shox, News, Schwalbe -

A smokin’ hot bike, smokin’ hot trails, ninja-level light and a rider that can hang it all together… The Sunshine Coast is certainly one of the most beautiful places to ride on the west coast of Canada. Between Coast Gravity Park and singletrack trails lost in the middle of the forest, we caught up with […]

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